When war tears down, your love rebuilds | #GivingTuesday 2023 | Partners Relief & Development

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When war tears down...

Love rebuilds.
So we’re restoring 2 schools damaged by war in the Middle East.

Since 2011, a brutal and complex civil war has enveloped Syria displacing millions and damaging or destroying 40% of schools. In neighboring Iraq, thousands more have lived through the daily horrors of ISIS occupation. These children, like kids everywhere, deserve to play, laugh and learn. They shouldn’t miss out on school just because the adults are fighting.

We need your help to partner with communities in Sinjar, Iraq and Idlib, Syria to help them restore their schools to provide education for their children, who continue to suffer from ongoing conflict.

How can you help us reach our goal?

Give a gift of $60.
It get’s matched.
They rebuild.

Your $60 gift has just funded the rebuild costs equivalent to one student back in school. Local contractors can be employed, materials purchased from nearby suppliers and now we're another step closer to seeing kids in these communities receive the education they deserve!

2 Schools.
20 Classrooms.
350 Students.

Please note: If our GivingTuesday goal is exceeded, your gift will be redirected to another school rebuild in the Middle East.

What makes these school rebuilds unique?

We think local, right from the first brick.

Each rebuild starts with a request by the community and they remain deeply involved from start to finish.

Locals are employed.

We pay locals from the community rather than expensive building companies, supporting local families and the economy.

Rebuilds are cheaper.

We source supplies locally and receive discounted rates because it’s a cause local businesses believe in, keeping costs down.

Quality is higher.

We often hear reports that rebuilds are done to a high standard thanks to the hard work of the local trades who are invested in its success.

Love Rebuilds

Let’s do this.

350 students are waiting to get back to school.

Across the Middle East, you’ve already helped us restore the joy of learning to thousands of children who have endured years of war. This #GivingTuesday, your love can rebuild a better future for 350 more.